Our customers made these suggestions for improving DonorDock. Suggestions for improving DonorDock.
Add volunteer info to the contact profile
Hello! On the donor or contact page, it would be helpful to have a section for volunteer activity and hours. Just like how there is a box for donations, memberships, ...
When adding a date in DonorDock, the year should default to the current year, not 2001.
If a date is entered and no year is included, the default is 2001. It would be handy to have the current year be the default
Ability to search contacts from other pages
Would be great to have a search bar on all contact pages instead of having to navigate back to the Contact's page each time.
Ability to create a "Possible Duplicates" report or export
Adding the ability to create a possible duplicates report.
Make it easy to generate a printable version of a contact profile
It would be great to see individual "report cards" on donors that can be printed off and shown as a one-pager.
Update addressee for contacts with spouses from "&" to "and"
In the salutation "and" is use but for the addressee "&" is used. One field or the other should be updated so that they are both the same.
When adding badges or marketing lists in bulk, confirm the action, or give the ability to undo.
It is too easy to accidentally add badges in reports.
Add a "Are you sure you want to.." when mass adding badges etc in reports