split transaction
I wish Donor Dock had the ability to split a donation transaction. Sometimes we receive checks that are allotted to several of our programs and there does not seem to be a feature to split it. Instead I have to enter the donation/check as many times as it needs to be split, if that makes sense:-)
Comments: 6
28 Apr, '23
Alyson PresleyI totally agree with this! Because the gifts have to be split up into separate gifts by fund, we cannot send receipt emails to the donor because it won't make sense to them. If we could input one gift and allocate portions of the gift to different funds, that would make things much better!! Thanks!
18 Dec, '23
Jeff ParsonsIt's something that is definitely needed. We use designated gifts for all of our programs. I have one big check that will go into 4 different programs and now I have to do 4 separate entries.
13 Aug, '24
Melissa BodeTOTALLY needed...
27 Sep, '24
Kelly MergedI have donors that write one check to be split between multiple fund accounts. I would love a way to do this on one gift report instead of creating multiple gifts for one donor check to list all the funds. For example, I have someone who gives to the general fund and two other designated funds in one check.
27 Sep, '24
KellyI agree. I have the same issue.
30 Sep, '24
Carolyn Koesterman Admin"Donor gift to multiple funds" (suggested by <Hidden> on 2024-09-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.