To be able to modify Action Board - dates, group by type, etc

3 votes

I would love to be able to modify the Action Board... some initial thoughts are:
1) increase grouping of actions by type - for example donor actions before birthdays in case I am short on time.
a) also ability to see the groups in a set category - for example, number of birthdays today, or number of donor changes.
2) the ability to turn off suggestions for days out of the office - so you don't come in on a Monday or after vacation to dozens of actions
3) ability to view older actions when action board is "off", so you can follow up as appropriate when you return to work
4) ability to globally assign specific actions to another user when "off". For example, if I am in a conference, I would want someone else in my organization to reach out to noteworthy donor changes.
a) ability to assign type to someone else in the organization - for example, daily 5 could easily be addressed by someone other than the primary owner.

Under consideration Action Board Suggested by: Amy Jenkins Upvoted: 14 Feb Comments: 1

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